
The dataset

The data used for the Observatory is obtained directly from the European Parliament via its procedure for public access to documents. The vast majority of the data obtained from the European Parliament were in PDF format and required transcription. This was done in working files, where a coding system allows a matching of income and expenditure by category and sub-category. Minor corrections of discrepancies were done where necessary.

In the case of donations and contributions, the data was obtained and processed by Dr. Wouter Wolfs of KU Leuven and should be cited accordingly. Data was processed to add information on donors and contributors, and recategorise donations and contributions as necessary.

Our dataset contains:

  • the original files received from the European Parliament (most of them PDF files);
  • the working files in which we transcribed the data of the European Parliament (in open, machine-readable format – ODS); and
  • the data files extracted from our working files and powering the Observatory (in open, machine-readable format – CSV).

Here, you will find:

The Observatory and its dataset will be periodically updated as we procure new documents from the European Parliament and the APPF. Click here to receive e-mail notifications when our data is updated. Alternatively, you can subscribe to our RSS feed RSS icon. For more information, see the cycle of European party funding.

Copyright and citation

The data of the European Party Funding Observatory is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

For more information on this copyright, see our Impressum.

For proper attribution, please use the following:

  • For data other than donations and contributions: “European Democracy Consulting Stiftung. European Party Funding Observatory Dataset, Year, version X.”; and
  • For data on donations and contributions: “Wolfs, Wouter and European Democracy Consulting Stiftung. European Party Funding Observatory Dataset, Year, version X.”


All notable changes to this project will be documented below.


The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project seeks to adhere to Semantic Versioning.

Title e.g. [0.0.1] - YYYY-MM-DD


  • Added: for new features or data
  • Changed: for changes in existing functionality or data.
  • Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features or data.
  • Removed: for now removed features or data.
  • Fixed: for any bug fixes.
  • Security: in case of vulnerabilities.

Full changelog

Display changelog
[Released v2.0.2] – 2024-09-03
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: Fixed values of maximum public co-financing rate for 2008-2013 and 2018.
[Released v2.0.1] – 2024-08-27
  • epfo_national_member_parties.csv: Added historical data for national member parties.
  • epfo_individual_members_by_country.csv: Added individual members per country.
  • epfo_electoral_results.csv: Added results for the 2024 European elections.
  • all csv files: Changed ID Party to
  • all csv files: Prepared transition to wikibase.
[Released v1.7] – 2024-04-19
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: Added final amounts of public funding for the financial year 2021.
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: Added European parties' final report data for the financial year 2022, including final amounts of public funding for the financial year 2021.
  • epfo_mep_membership_by_country.csv: Added MEP data for the financial year 2024.
[Released v1.6] – 2024-03-29
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: Added audit data for the financial year 2022.
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: Added European parties' maximum grants for the financial year 2024.
[Released v1.5] – 2024-02-06
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: Corrected the lump sum amount allocated to the AEMN in 2011 down to zero, as the party was not granted public funding in that year (source: European Parliament).
[Released v1.4] – 2024-01-23
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: Added draft figures for funding decisions for the financial year 2024 based on the 2024 draft EU budget and European parties' number of member MEPs (source: European Commission and APPF).
  • epfo_mep_membership_by_country.csv: Added a breakdown of MEPs members of European parties by Member State.
  • epfo_mep_membership_by_polgroup.csv: Added a breakdown of MEPs members of European parties by political group of the European Parliament.
[Released v1.3] – 2023-12-14
  • epfo_donations_and_contributions.csv: Added data on donations and contributions for the financial year 2022 (source: APPF).
[Released v1.2] – 2023-12-11
  • epfo_individual_members.csv: Added December 2023 figures for European political parties' individual membership (source: European Parliament).
[Released v1.1] – 2023-11-27
  • epfo_donations_and_contributions.csv: Added new data from expert.
[Released v1.0] – 2023-11-13
  • epfo_european_party_identity_cards.csv: Added logo file names.
  • epfo_national_member_parties.csv: Added ISO country codes.
  • EPFO - Electoral results.ods: Added file for upcoming public funding simulator.
  • epfo_european_party_identity_cards.csv: Added date_activity_note column and logos.
  • epfo_audit_codes.csv: Added to the CSV files.
  • epfo_donations_and_contributions.csv: Added new data from expert.
  • epfo_national_member_parties.csv: Changed data format.
  • epfo_individual_members.csv: Changed data format.
  • epfo_timeline_funding.csv: Changed data format.
  • epfo_european_party_identity_cards.csv: Split APPF registration dates.
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: recategorised several instances of negative income for the PES and ECR.
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: Removed final Lump sum and MEP-based funding.
[Unreleased v0.7.1] – 2023-07-04
  • epfo_european_party_identity_cards.csv: party colours for charts.
  • epfo_eu_population.csv: updated figures using Eurostat’s latest DEMO_GIND database (updated 13/07/2023).
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: corrected 2011 data for the PES, based on audit information outside budget table.
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: removed ITE data.
[Unreleased v0.7] – 2023-08-31
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: data from funding decision for the financial year 2023 and final reports for the financial year 2021.
  • EPFO - Files Index.ods: data from funding decision for the financial year 2023 and from final reports for the financial year 2021.
  • EPFO - Files requested.ods: updated information on requested files.
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: updated figures for funding decisions for the financial year 2022.
  • epfo_eu_population.csv: updated figures using Eurostat’s DEMO_GIND database, added the source data in the file, and provided a reference and link to the source data.
  • EPFO - Files Index.ods: date for final reports for the financial year 2020.
[Unreleased v0.6.1] – 2023-05-31
  • epfo_european_party_identity_cards.csv: added start and end columns for date_activity and date_funding.
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: final lump sum (column J) set to “dnya” if final grant (column I) is “dnya”.
  • epfo_european_party_identity_cards.csv: renamed date_activity to date_activity_note for supplementary information.
  • epfo_european_party_identity_cards.csv: remove column date_activity (replaced with date_activity_start and date_activity_end).
[Unreleased v0.6] – 2023-04-27
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: fixed formulas for final grant (column H) since 2018, and resulting errors for final lump sum and final MEP-based funding (columns I and J).
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: final grant corrected following above fix; data not yet available for final grants is set to -1.
[Unreleased v0.5.1] – 2023-04-26
  • epfo_national_member_parties.csv: fixed national party column formatting.
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: fixed typos in labels.
[Unreleased v0.5] – 2023-04-24
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: added final lump sum and final mep-based funding columns.
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: data not yet available is now set to “dnya” instead of 0.
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: removed pre-financing, reimbursable expenditure budget, reimbursable expenditure real, and non-reimbursable expenditure columns.
[Unreleased v0.4] – 2023-04-19
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: an index tab was added at the beginning to describe the content of the documented.
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: in each party tab, an extra column (H) was added, containing the same values as column F (final budget amounts) but replacing European Parliament grants (RD1.2) with the actual final amounts (when the budgets are finalised by parties, the final amount of public funding is not yet known and parties simply indicate their maximum available grant).
  • epfo_european_party_identity_cards.csv: new file listing additional information on European parties covered by the Observatory. This creates a new extracted CSV file.
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: in the audit data tab, column F (actual amounts) now takes its data from the new columns G in the respective party tabs. This affects the extracted CSV file.
  • epfo_audit_data.csv: name updated to match nomenclature of other files.
  • epfo_public_funding.csv: in the “short data table” and “useful data table”, the “party name” column (formerly column C) was removed. It was previously not properly populated. This affects the extracted CSV file.
  • EPP and PES audit files and Audit data.ods: typos corrected in notes. This affects the extracted CSV file.
[Unreleased v0.3] - 2023-04-04
  • CSV files: CSV conversion fixed to not include quotation marks around values, currency signs, and #N/A values, and to display percentages as decimals.
[Unreleased v0.2] - 2023-03-30
  • Audit files converted to ODS format.
  • Extracted CSV files renamed.